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THE GRAND JURY An Independent ARM of Government not Administrative


An Independent ARM of Government not Administrative

What is ??? was launched July 4, 2020, by Founder Janice Wolk Grenadier, a place that gives a voice to all Americans.  “Make America’s Judiciary Accountable”  

As we are on the cusp of 2021, I hope you will consider a donation to to “fast and furiously” be able to change the judiciary and bring justice to many Americans who every day are at a loss as to what happened to them in the courtroom.  To donate go to the website and donate through PayPal, or Zelle 202-368-7178.


Because it has become self-evident that the Judiciary, Governmental and Elected Officials have proven they cannot police themselves: Our goal is to ensure that the American people are given Justice Evenly and Fairly without prejudice... The end result will bring us back to justice and take care of the waste of tax dollars and the many who are falsely imprisoned. 


To protect the independent rule of law; the availability and access of and to remedies for all, without fear or favour: common law protection of civil liberties. To prevent constitutional dissimulation via conflicts in rulings which are against their Oath of Office and or the Laws of the Supreme Court. To prevent judges overreaching themselves, even by the standards of the day, through using absurd determination and manipulation to prevent friends and or colleagues from being held accountable for their criminal acts.


JudicialPedia is simply here to enforce accountability of the Judicial, Governmental and Elected Officials and to disclose and expose to the Public those that do not abide by their Oath of Office and support the enforcement of the individual's Constitutional rights.


WE do this under the Love of “God”  that he has created us all equal.


We do not believe in the Social Hierarchy of Society which is what our forefathers sought to protect with the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The top solutions in taking back our courts are:

  1. The Grand Jury 

  2. Camera’s, our Phones, Computers allowed in the courtroom to prevent the secrecy 

  3. Justice Tour across the country praying at each Supreme Court and talking about our United States Constitution and State Constitution helping people understand their rights to Due Process


The Grand Jury is not the Prosecutor’s Administrative Agency,  it is the 4th Arm of Government given to “We the People” to prevent injustice.

That the Grand Jury was hijacked from the people in or around the 1960’s.  That purpose was by all appearance the slippery slope of taking away any and all chances for justice amongst the people 

The grand jury has lost its historical identity as a shield protecting innocent citizens (we the people) from unwarranted charges by officers of the law and has become a shield protecting officers of the law, the legislature, the judiciary, and the executive branch from possible criminal charges by the citizenry. 

The grand jury has thus become in effect an administrative agency, executing in secrecy and with unlimited discretionary power, the policies, also determined in secret, of law enforcement officers, the judiciary, the legislature and executive branch who continue to maintain the fiction that the grand jury is a free and autonomous body impartially ferreting out objective truth. This proposition is simply no longer believable.

“We the People are the rightful master of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ‒ Abraham Lincoln 

This appearance of  conspiracy orchestrated by the BAR Association in violation of 18 USC § 2385:  Advocating the overthrow of Government, abetting through a corrupt judiciary, and advising and teaching the overthrow and destruction of the Governments of the United States of America; which includes the federal government and the fifty (50) sovereign state governments. 

The United States has become subservient to a world-wide criminal organization; which  makes this a law enforcement problem, perpetrated by a very specific group of people who need to be held accountable; and, will be held accountable, with the People’s access to the Grand Jury for Public corruption.  

The Grand Jury’s functional independence from the Judicial Branch is evident, both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal wrongdoing and in the manner in which that power is exercised. ‘Unlike [a] [c]ourt, whose jurisdiction is predicated upon a specific case or controversy, the Grand Jury can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated; or, even because it wants assurance that it is not.’” United States v. John H. Williams, 112 S. Ct. 1735, 504; U.S. 36, 118, L. Ed. 2d, 352, (1992). 

If we move “fast and furious” We the People can request access to a Grand Jury to investigate “Voter Fraud”, in a long reach we can reach out to TRUMP and request an Executive Order granting the people the right to go to a Grand Jury and request a Special Grand Jury.    This is not Republican or Democrat; each person's “VOTE” needs to legally count.

TAKING BACK AMERICA - Don’t mess with my “VOTE”

Our Forefathers looked into the future and with great strength and forsite gave us four 4 parts of government.  

  1. Executive Branch

  2. Legislature

  3. Judiciary

  4. and to protect “We the People” the GRAND JURY

The Executive Branch, the Legislature, and the Judiciary all police themselves.  The Grand Jury was given to the people to police the others.  To ensure you have justice all must have a place to go to get independent Justice.  

The Grand Jury is the place to go.  The Judiciary / ABA in the 60’s hijacked the Grand Jury from the people.  Today we must take it back to ensure we have “Voter Integrity”.

Camera’s, our Phones, Computers allowed in the courtroom to prevent the secrecy 

As of 2006, all 50 states allowed some type of camera presence in their courtrooms. Starting in 1997, various members of Congress introduced “sunshine in the courtroom” acts to give presiding judges in federal courts the discretion to permit camera coverage.

Today no Federal Court allows our phones, computers in the courts without special permission. States local Courts have followed that type of Order to ensure the Secrecy of Corrupt orders in many cases

Justice Tour across the country praying at each Supreme Court and talking about our 

United States Constitution and State Constitution people need to understand their rights to 

Due Process

Everyone talks about new laws to give us our rights in the courts.  But, rights are defined in the United States Constitution and our own State Constitution.  Bringing this to each state and state Supreme Court with prayer will hopefully bring Justice to all.

Again,  I ask you to please give so we can bring Justice to many Americans, along with opening up our Grand Jury’s to “We the People”.

To donate go to the website and donate through paypal, or Zelle 202-368-7178.



  1. 1)This is to vague, we need the history of Grand Juries, actual cases, how they have been converted to a tool of immoral prosecutors and judges, wee need
    a suggestion or 2 of how to work together to put the Grand Jury and the people back in charge.

    2) We need information on the enity that will be recieving and using our donations. How do we assure ourselves that funds will and have been used as stated in your solisitation?

    1. Call me with your questions - JW 202-368-7178


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