FEBRUARY 2014 the Slippery Slope of the COVER UP of Virginia Corruption would begin with a "Special" FBI Website notice to the Public, a "Special" email address and a "Special" phone number
Today is Wednesday May 24, 2018 and the news reads:
Hi. I am Janice Wolk Grenadier I am founder of American Legal News. I started this so the stories no one else would tell - Like mine would and could be told by reporters.
The Reporters are hired as donations are collected so there stories can be told.
I had help starting a website AmLegalNews.com - it has already been hacked and so we are right now depending on the this Blog.
We are living in a time where an American Citizen can not walk into a Courtroom and get a fair trial by a Judge that is not Bias. Our Judges are for sale for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, a weekend getaway and or sex, money, real estate depending on your claim and what they think they can help "their friend" a lawyer steal.
Many American Citizens across this country are standing up and saying NO MORE.
I am asking you to take the time to listen to the Video of me asking James Comey about the Special phone number and email address the FBI set up in Virginia for all corruption of the Judiciary, the Government and Elected Officials to go to.
I have included in this the evidence that shows he lied in this video that he knew nothing about it.
The fact they state "This is not Rank and File" is further a lie. I have a taped conversation with agent Marcus Wilson of Virginia where he says he states "He is very sorry but, they are not allowed to in Virginia investigate Public Corruption ie: Judiciary, Government and Elected Officials that goes to DC" I would say the 7th floor for Comey and McCabe to control the fallout.
This is the link to the FBI Website that gives detail to the Public Corruption talked about in by question to Mr. Comey:
When you google it - This is just a few of the links to the announcement of the Public Corruption SPECIAL phone Number and Email:
My story can be found at www.VALaw2010.blogspot.com I am not a writer so when you read it understand that I am doing my best in trying to share and tell it.
My goal is that What Happened to me doesn't ever happen to you and or your children
Hi. I am Janice Wolk Grenadier I am founder of American Legal News. I started this so the stories no one else would tell - Like mine would and could be told by reporters.
The Reporters are hired as donations are collected so there stories can be told.
I had help starting a website AmLegalNews.com - it has already been hacked and so we are right now depending on the this Blog.
We are living in a time where an American Citizen can not walk into a Courtroom and get a fair trial by a Judge that is not Bias. Our Judges are for sale for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, a weekend getaway and or sex, money, real estate depending on your claim and what they think they can help "their friend" a lawyer steal.
Many American Citizens across this country are standing up and saying NO MORE.
I am asking you to take the time to listen to the Video of me asking James Comey about the Special phone number and email address the FBI set up in Virginia for all corruption of the Judiciary, the Government and Elected Officials to go to.
I have included in this the evidence that shows he lied in this video that he knew nothing about it.
The fact they state "This is not Rank and File" is further a lie. I have a taped conversation with agent Marcus Wilson of Virginia where he says he states "He is very sorry but, they are not allowed to in Virginia investigate Public Corruption ie: Judiciary, Government and Elected Officials that goes to DC" I would say the 7th floor for Comey and McCabe to control the fallout.
Our FBI is suppose to protect us - It is a JOKE we had better pray we never need them
James Comey lied in his answer to my question. This link to the question in regard to the
FBI website for the Public Corruption which includes the phone number and email to COVER
UP by all appearance the FBI COLLUSION of Corruption in VIRGINIA
FBI website for the Public Corruption which includes the phone number and email to COVER
UP by all appearance the FBI COLLUSION of Corruption in VIRGINIA
You Can not forget Clinton’s ties to all this and her need in choosing a VP from
Virginia ie: as reported choices No. 1 Gov. Terry McAuliffe, No. 2 Senator Mark Warner
and the chosen No. 3 Senator Tim Kaine
Virginia ie: as reported choices No. 1 Gov. Terry McAuliffe, No. 2 Senator Mark Warner
and the chosen No. 3 Senator Tim Kaine
This is the link to the FBI Website that gives detail to the Public Corruption talked about in by question to Mr. Comey:
When you google it - This is just a few of the links to the announcement of the Public Corruption SPECIAL phone Number and Email:
Public Corruption — FBI - FBI.gov
Public corruption is the FBI's top criminal investigative priority, that includes ... Giving voters
a ride to the polls;; Offering voters a stamp to mail an absentee ballot; …
a ride to the polls;; Offering voters a stamp to mail an absentee ballot; …
FBI — FBI Announces Campaign to Seek Public Assistance Identifying ...
Feb 18, 2014 - Public corruption hits at the heart of what a government is supposed to do—
serve its people. ... Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline
at 703-686-6225 and e-mail at NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov.
serve its people. ... Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline
at 703-686-6225 and e-mail at NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov.
You visited this page on 5/11/18.
FBI cracking down on public corruption in Northern Va. | News ...
Feb 28, 2014 - The FBI's Washington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public
CorruptionHotline, 703-686-6225, and an email account: …
CorruptionHotline, 703-686-6225, and an email account: …
FBI Northern Virginia Public Corruption... - Victims of Judge Richard J ...
FBI Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 and you can also e-mail them
at NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov Note that Judicial Corruption is... ... the Washington Field Office has
set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at …
at NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov Note that Judicial Corruption is... ... the Washington Field Office has
set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at …
FBI appeals for public's help in ferreting out public corruption in ...
Feb 18, 2014 - In the release, the agency called public corruption its “number one criminal ...
Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 or send an e-mail to NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov. ...
corruption, D.C. public corruption and Northern Virginia public corruption. .... Please enter a
valid email address. You might also like: Sign Up
Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 or send an e-mail to NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov. ...
corruption, D.C. public corruption and Northern Virginia public corruption. .... Please enter a
valid email address. You might also like: Sign Up
FBI Creates Northern Virginia Corruption Tip Line - NBC4 Washington
Feb 19, 2014 - The FBI announced Tuesday they have created a hotline for tips regarding public
corruption in Northern Virginia. ... Email. Privacy policy | More Newsletters. UP NEXT. X.
FBI Targets NOVA in ... If you have a tip, you can contact the Northern Virginia Public
Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 and e-mail at ...
corruption in Northern Virginia. ... Email. Privacy policy | More Newsletters. UP NEXT. X.
FBI Targets NOVA in ... If you have a tip, you can contact the Northern Virginia Public
Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 and e-mail at ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 1/19/18
Virginia Politics: FBI seeks tips on crooked officials - Daily Press
Mar 30, 2015 - Political ethics, FBI, corruption, Bob McDonnell, Phil Hamilton. ... The office is
setting upa new toll-free telephone tip line to make it easier for its ... Federal prosecutors based
their case on a series of emails between Hamilton …
setting upa new toll-free telephone tip line to make it easier for its ... Federal prosecutors based
their case on a series of emails between Hamilton …
FBI announces campaign to crack down on public corruption | Crime ...
Feb 19, 2014 - The agency's Washington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia public
FBI agents went undercover in Florida's capital for the 'biggest ...
Aug 14, 2017 - McLean, Virginia ... CONNECTTWEETLINKEDIN 34 COMMENTEMAILMORE ...
Public corruption is the FBI's chief criminal investigative priority and is something it ... The duo
set up the meeting at the Power Plant Café - where …
Public corruption is the FBI's chief criminal investigative priority and is something it ... The duo
set up the meeting at the Power Plant Café - where …
Case before U.S. Supreme Court could affect Allentown FBI probe ...
May 16, 2016 - How a case in Virginia could affect the Allentown corruption probe. ... saying
if a publicofficial makes a phone call to set up a meeting or gives an ... Koval admitted taking
several official acts, including sending emails in an ...
if a publicofficial makes a phone call to set up a meeting or gives an ... Koval admitted taking
several official acts, including sending emails in an ...
After you look at the video you may want more facts on how I knew James Comey had to
know what I was talking about. Besides the set up was very well known and publicized.
know what I was talking about. Besides the set up was very well known and publicized.
I have been asked how I know that he knew or should have known about the 2014
announcement and the email and the phone number a few of the Facts as there are many:
Comey came to Virginia from the Southern District of NYC where he worked with
Loretta Lynch
His connections in Virginia go deep with Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Tim Kaine - Senator Mark Warner would have been introduced to him through these two.
The Old Boys Network in Virginia - appearance is the Judiciary base is the Richmond
School of
James Comey and Gov Tim Kaine from the information I have found were adjunct
professors at the same time or around the same time
Tim Kaine was also Gov to Virginia - Clinton's VP choice
James Comey as FBI Director was given several alculates at the Richmond School
of Law while FBI agent
James Comey et al my all appearance started this program through his good friend
who recently retired from the FBI Special Agent Gallagher ( I have articles - t
aped conversations and a FOIA out for some of this information)
McCabe who was under Comey remember McAuliffe gave his wife $700,000 FYI
McAuliffe was the one Hillary really wanted as her VP - 2nd was Mark Warner and third
was Tim Kaine FYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEEbTrlnXRU wouldn't let me tape him
McAuliffe took a $130,000 donation and lied about it from a Chinese guy, Now he is
being sued by 32 Chinese Nationalists that he took $500,000 from each one - guaranteeing
green cards for the families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ1hRnaxvRc in this video y
ou see me meeting McAuliffe and talking with him about my issue and showing him the box
of unopened evidence returned to me.
Warner traded a federal Judgeship - right before I was jailed to be silenced -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O10opcNIqNA this was the 3rd time I had approached
Warner on being jailed so he could be re-elected by silencing me. I illegally spent
22 days in jail, with 14 of those days in Solitary Confinement.
https://youtu.be/NBXNNCrcdsI The Federal Society on May 17, 2017 Question about Comey and
the Trust of the American People. Talking about Andrew McCabe and why he should not be the
next FBI director to further Cover Up information on criminal Acts and Actions of the Judiciary,
the Government and the Elected Officials
*** It should be noted some of the links you will need to copy and past - my HACKERS have broken the link.
Some other back up:
One other Video JWG did on her jail time https://youtu.be/rRs7cBEYAjQ
I am going to work on putting this together better - again THANK you for taking the time to
reach out to me and make the suggestions.
announcement and the email and the phone number a few of the Facts as there are many:
Comey came to Virginia from the Southern District of NYC where he worked with
Loretta Lynch
His connections in Virginia go deep with Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Tim Kaine - Senator Mark Warner would have been introduced to him through these two.
The Old Boys Network in Virginia - appearance is the Judiciary base is the Richmond
School of
James Comey and Gov Tim Kaine from the information I have found were adjunct
professors at the same time or around the same time
Tim Kaine was also Gov to Virginia - Clinton's VP choice
James Comey as FBI Director was given several alculates at the Richmond School
of Law while FBI agent
James Comey et al my all appearance started this program through his good friend
who recently retired from the FBI Special Agent Gallagher ( I have articles - t
aped conversations and a FOIA out for some of this information)
McCabe who was under Comey remember McAuliffe gave his wife $700,000 FYI
McAuliffe was the one Hillary really wanted as her VP - 2nd was Mark Warner and third
was Tim Kaine FYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEEbTrlnXRU wouldn't let me tape him
McAuliffe took a $130,000 donation and lied about it from a Chinese guy, Now he is
being sued by 32 Chinese Nationalists that he took $500,000 from each one - guaranteeing
green cards for the families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ1hRnaxvRc in this video y
ou see me meeting McAuliffe and talking with him about my issue and showing him the box
of unopened evidence returned to me.
Warner traded a federal Judgeship - right before I was jailed to be silenced -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O10opcNIqNA this was the 3rd time I had approached
Warner on being jailed so he could be re-elected by silencing me. I illegally spent
22 days in jail, with 14 of those days in Solitary Confinement.
https://youtu.be/NBXNNCrcdsI The Federal Society on May 17, 2017 Question about Comey and
the Trust of the American People. Talking about Andrew McCabe and why he should not be the
next FBI director to further Cover Up information on criminal Acts and Actions of the Judiciary,
the Government and the Elected Officials
*** It should be noted some of the links you will need to copy and past - my HACKERS have broken the link.
Some other back up:
One other Video JWG did on her jail time https://youtu.be/rRs7cBEYAjQ
I am going to work on putting this together better - again THANK you for taking the time to
reach out to me and make the suggestions.
My story can be found at www.VALaw2010.blogspot.com I am not a writer so when you read it understand that I am doing my best in trying to share and tell it.
My goal is that What Happened to me doesn't ever happen to you and or your children
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