GO GO Brandon for CHINA supporting his FAMILY’s Life STYLE
& ALL there Natural Resources In New Contracts
What are those Natural Resources?
China has extensive deposits of coal, oil, and natural gas. Besides these fossil fuels, China is a top producer of aluminum, magnesium, antimony, salt, talc, barite, cement, coal, fluorspar, gold, graphite, iron, steel, lead, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate rock, rare earth, tin, tungsten, bismuth, and zinc
Go Go Brandon Just helped him to these Countries Natural Resources
AND What did we learn from Hunter Biden’s Laptop?
United States of America - China owns:
97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of all active ingredients in American pharmaceuticals come from China. In 2017 alone, the United States imported a whopping $4.6 billion in foodstuffs from the People’s Republic of China.
30 million acres of American farmland is owned by foreign investors or fully 2.2 percent of all American farmland. For context, that’s an area roughly the size of Mississippi or Pennsylvania These are effectively absentee landlords who own some of the best real estates in the United States.
191,000 acres worth $1.9 billion as of 2019. This might not sound like a lot, but Chinese ownership of American farmland has exploded dramatically over the last decade. Indeed, there has been a tenfold expansion of Chinese ownership of farmland in the United States in less than a decade.
CNN is a property of WarnerMedia, which is very closely tied to the People’s Republic of China. They have a $50 million investment deal with the PRC. Specifically, this is an investment in China Media Capital, a private company (in as much as such things exist in the PRC) subject to the censorship of the Chinese government.
Both MSNBC and NBC are owned by NBC Universal who has a partnership with China’s state-run media, Xinhua, to cooperate on international news. The United States State Department has identified Xinhua as “foreign missions,” effectively Chinese propaganda outfits with no independence from the Chinese government.
ABC arguably has the strongest ties with the Chinese economy. The Chinese government and state-owned enterprises provided significant support for the $3.6 billion cost of building a Disney World in Shanghai.
Bloomberg is heavily invested in China, which is perhaps why Michael Bloomberg refuses to even refer to the People’s Republic of China as a dictatorship.
China Buys Hollywood Beginning in 2012, the People’s Republic of China began looking for ways to penetrate the American film market. Specifically, China has sought to create inroads into owning American film distribution. This effectively allows them a veto over films that might run contrary to the PRC’s goals for its image abroad.
TikTok Controversy: China Controls the Algorithm The PRC has likewise made inroads into the lucrative and popular gaming market. For many young people, the preferred form of media is not movies or even television, but gaming. Chinese companies are now in control of Riot Games, Epic Games, and Cryptic Studios.
Companies China owns in USA Linked here is table of Chinese companies listed on the NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, and NYSE American, the three largest U.S. exchanges. As of May 5, 2021, there were 248 Chinese companies listed on these U.S. exchanges with a total market capitalization of $2.1 trillion. On October 2, 2020, when this table was last updated, there were 217 companies with a total market capitalization of $2.2 trillion. There are eight national-level Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) listed on the three major U.S. exchanges. This list of Chinese companies was compiled using information from the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, commercial investment databases, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
Iraqi's main natural resource is petroleum, but the country also has abundant sulfur, phosphate, and natural gas. The economy is also based on agriculture, with farmers depending largely on irrigation in the dry-desert like the climate in the country.
Iraq's greatest resource is its oil, of which it has 115 billion barrels of proved reserves. This accounts for nearly 9% of the world's total
On 18 October, 2021, Cuba joined the Belt and Road Energy Partnership (BREP)
of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which seeks to strengthen connectivity in infrastructure and energy investment and promote cooperation in clean energy and efficiency in participating countries.
Cuba joins Venezuela, Bolivia, and Suriname as the only Latin American countries among the partnership’s 31 members, including China.
Cuba’s entry into the BREP comes as the government of Raúl Castro and Miguel DÃaz-Canel faces up to the need to renew the country’s aging energy system, and deals with a considerable decrease in the daily barrels of crude oil sent from Venezuela.
Following the defeat of Spain in 1898, the United States remained in Cuba as an occupying power until the Republic of Cuba was formally installed on May 19, 1902. On May 20, 1902, the United States relinquished its occupation authority over Cuba but claimed a continuing right to intervene in Cuba.
Natural Resources Of Cuba
Cuba has nickel as its leading natural resource. The mineral is a useful component in making coins, rechargeable batteries, plumbing fixtures, and production of stainless steel among other products. Due to its anti-corrosive properties, nickel is used in making most alloys, and it is the top foreign income earner in Cuba. The nation is among the ten highest producers of nickel in the world. The nickel deposits exist in large quantities in the island country of Cuba. The mines are mainly found in the northeastern part of the country. Cuba produces an average of 50,000 tons of nickel annually. The Caribbean nation exports its nickel to China, Venezuela, Canada, Netherlands, and Italy. The nickel mining industry in Cuba is important because it provides jobs to many citizens of Cuba.
Cuba has cobalt as one of its natural resources. The island country is among top producers of cobalt in the world. It is estimated that Cuba has the third largest cobalt deposits on earth. In 2017, the country produced 4,200 metric tons of cobalt. Cobalt is experiencing a sharp increase in demand particularly in the electric car industry. The mineral is a key component in making lithium-ion batteries used in electric cars. The mineral is also used in making parts of aircraft engines. Cuba’s cobalt is exported to Canada and other European countries. Cobalt exports contribute to the national income and provide jobs to Cubans.
Oil And Natural Gas
Cuba has offshore oil and natural gas reserves in the northern part of the country. The oil is an important source of energy in the country. As of 2013, the country had an estimated 124 million barrels of oil in the reserves. Researchers claim that more unexplored oil deposits exist in the country. Cuba has three oil fields which produce about 80,000 barrels of oil daily. The oil produced in Cuba meets half of the oil demand in the country. The Caribbean country has partnered with international companies from Australia, China, Brazil, Norway, India, Venezuela, and Canada in exploring its vast oil reserves. Besides providing energy to Cuba, the oil industry employs many Cuban nationals and generates income for the country. The natural gas extracted in Cuba is used to power machines in the nickel and cobalt industries. Natural gas is a good source of energy as it is clean and safe to use. Cuba’s natural gas production is estimated at 305 million gallons every year.
Arable Land
Cuba has a large size of arable land, and it is estimated that 33% of land in Cuba is used for farming. The country experiences a tropical climate which supports agricultural activities in Cuba. Since the mid-20th century, all land was owned by the government. Therefore, the government managed all agricultural ventures in Cuba. In the past decade, the constitution was amended to allow for private ownership of land. Cuba practices large-scale farming and applies modern farming techniques on most of its land. Sugarcane has been Cuba’s main cash crop since the start of the 18th century. It is grown in the expansive low plains in the country. Tobacco is the country’s second-largest export crop. Cuban sugar and tobacco are exported to Europe, South America, and Asia. The crops are also used in the country’s manufacturing sector. Other crops commonly grown in the country are bananas, citrus fruits, corn, vegetables, potatoes, rice, and cotton. The country also has a big livestock sector where animals like cattle, poultry, and pigs are reared. Close to 15% of the Cuban workforce is engaged in the agricultural sector. The industry contributes 10% of the country’s national income.
Impact Of Cuba’s Natural Resources
Cuba heavily depends on its natural resources to run its economy. Different government agencies exist to manage the country’s natural resources. The income earned from these resources is redistributed to the citizens through subsidies and other government services. Mineral resources from Cuba such as nickel and cobalt suffer price fluctuations in the international market. As a result, economic performance in Cuba is largely determined by the international price of its export goods. The country’s economy suffered significantly after the United States stopped trading with Cuba in the mid-20th century. Before the ban on trade, the United States had been a major trade partner with Cuba where Cuba sold most of its export items.
Cuba’s people have been fighting for years for freedom while America sits by - - -
Read More about Cuba’s Freedom Fighters;
Yoani Sanchez Cruz
Lala Suarez Mooney
Fidel Suarez Cruz
https://judicialpedia.com/listing/fidel-suarez-cruz-1-of-the-group-of-75-cuba freedom/
CPAC Fights for Cuba in America UnCanceled Episode 62: CPAC Cuba Libre:
Part 1 - Jul 28, 2021
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