Chief Judge Beryl Howell a Tool for the “Rich and Powerful” The UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Is supposed to be the home for Civil Rights Cases BUT INSTEAD It is run by Chief Judge Beryl Howell who supports and by all appearance HATES AND SUPPORTS HATE CRIMES If they hurt her “FRIENDS” Heavily invested in the TECH and BANKS (Wells Fargo et al) It doesn’t matter if a Judge is Republican and or Democrat - even though you can you usually tell by there rulings. They are also chosen by if they are Republican and or Democrat as to whom is in office. The United States Constitution by most Judges is used to wipe there shit when they poop, The WSJ has not reported her conflicts most likely out of support of her husband a Michael Rosenfeld is an award-winning producer, writer, and television executive with extensive leadership experience in documentary production and new media. ...