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Showing posts from February, 2021

How Trump could have won 2020

  How Trump could have won 2020 There was Voter Fraud.  The Democrats have found a system through the “Deep State” How do we expose it?  On the ground with our local Grand Jury! Our Constitutional framers created 4 arms of Government:  the Executive Branch, the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the 4th Arm of Government for the People “THE GRAND JURY”. Our constitutional Framers thought of the sound Idea to create a structure allowing lay citizens to check government excesses.  The jury system, one of the most obvious and enduring of such structures was included in our governmental framework because of the widespread belief that the community's voice would ensure a more just judicial system.  Requiring community consent before changing or charging a person with a serious crime was considered so important that the grand jury structure was immortalized in the Bill of Rights. The first part of the Fifth Amendment reads as follows: “No person shall be held to a...