American Legal News The mission is to get the Truth to the American People. To many News, outlets are giving Americans a "Smoke and Mirrors" impression on what is actually happen. Since February 14, 1986, one person was manipulated and lied to. That person is not alone. The deplorable acts and actions of the people who did this are / or were able to do this because of MONEY AND POWER. After realizing for years no one would help, no would talk about the corruption, no one report on the corruption, it is realized we must report on the VICTIMS ourself. The Democrats and the Republicans state all the time "even the President is not above the law" we are all EQUAL. This is a lie, in the eyes of those who state this, as the Main Stream Media, the Judiciary, the Government and the Elected Officials who collude and decide what laws are applicable to whom. The Government, the Elected Officials, and the Judiciary are a self-reporting ...